Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Lead Person-Centred practice Essay

1) Person centred practice is dedicated to supporting people to develop their lives and fulfill their ambitions. Every person needs support to plan in a way that is meaningful to them and therefore we are flexible and innovative to make this a truly inclusive process. A Plan can be carried out in different ways, it could be hand written, presented on the PC as a PowerPoint, could be filmed, made into a music video, put on a DVD, the most important aspect is that the individual has created it with support from individuals who know them well so they can tell individuals who do not know them well how to support them. There are four main approaches to person centred practice, â€Å"Pathway† planning, â€Å"Maps† planning, â€Å"Person centred portfolios† (otherwise known as â€Å"Essential Lifestyle Planning†) and â€Å"Personal Future Planning.† see more:explain how legislation policy or guidance underpin self-directed support Pathway Planning: A Pathway Plan sets out the arrangements to meet the needs of a young person so that they can take the right steps into adulthood. The process of making the Pathway Plan starts just before the young person’s 16th birthday and lasts until they are 21 (or longer if the young person is in education or training).The Pathway Plan is usually put together by the Children and Young People’s Service but will involve others who have responsibility to provide support. The young person is always involved and is at the centre of this process. Maps Planning: MAPs focus strongly on a desirable future or dream and what it would take to move closer to that. Individual Service Design focuses on the past to help deepen the shared understanding and commitment to the person. ELP: Essential Lifestyle Planning is a guided process for learning how someone wants to live and developing a plan to help make it happen. Personal Future Planning: Personal Futures Planning is a planning process that involves: Getting to know the person and what her life is like now. Developing ideas about what she would like in the future.  Taking action to move towards this, which involves exploring possibilities within the community and looking at what needs to change within services.  Each has a particular approach that is appropriate for different individuals in different situations. The McGill Action Planning System (MAPS) brings together a group of people who help to identify the focus on service users’ talents and needs, and to negotiate changes to their routines based on their desires and aspirations. Essential Lifestyle Planning was developed for those individuals whom Stalker and Campbell (1998) describe as people with ‘severe reputations’. It is commonly used to plan for those who are moving out of institutions. Personal Futures Planning focuses less on services and tends towards building relationships with family, friends and the wider community. PATHS can be used in the development of individual action plans. As a Manager I would be promoting all of the above as all have the same ethos behind them and that is the individual in the centre and the support working with the individual to achieve future goals and aspirations. It is vital that the individual is key and we as supporting others aid them to achieve their goals and where needed adapt services so these can be met. I am aware that some goals may be unrealistic and perhaps unachievable e.g. I want to play football for Chelsea, but we can support them to organise a trip to see a match, look around the stadium but also source a local football team for them to join and explain that they need to acquire the skills to play for a premier league but everyone has to start somewhere. This way you are encouraging them to take control of setting and achieving their goals. Encouraging and supporting individuals to make informed choices can only enhance their lives and ensure they are listened too by family members, supporting agencies and others who they may meet. If an individual feels listened to and included this can lead to many positive life experiences. All People with a learning disability are people first with the right to lead their lives like any others, with the same opportunities and responsibilities, and to be treated with the same dignity and respect. They and their families and carers are entitled to the same aspirations and life chances as other citizens The 4 Principles of Valuing People Now Rights People with learning disabilities and their families have the same human rights as everyone else. Independent living This does not mean living on your own or having to do everything yourself. All disabled people should have greater choice and control over the support they need to go about their daily lives; greater access to housing, education, employment, leisure and transport opportunities and to participation in family and community life. Control This is about being involved in and in control of decisions made about your life. This is not usually doing exactly what you want, but is about having information and support to understand the different options and their implications and consequences, so people can make informed decisions about their own lives. Inclusion This means being able to participate in all the aspects of community – to work, learn, get about, meet people, be part of social networks and access goods and services – and to have the support to do so. Personalisation More people with learning disabilities should be able to commission their own services to live independently and have real choice about the way they live their lives. Having a Life To make sure people with learning disabilities have the same life opportunities as any other citizen Better Health All people with learning disabilities get the healthcare and the support they need to live healthy lives. Housing All people with learning disabilities and their families are able to choose where and with whom they live. Work, education and getting a life All people with learning disabilities and their families have a fulfilling life of their own that includes opportunities to work, study and enjoy social and leisure activities. Relationships and having a family People with learning disabilities should have the choice to have relationships, become parents and continue to be parents, and the support to do so. People as Citizens To make sure people with learning disabilities are treated as equal citizens Advocacy All people with learning disabilities can speak up and be heard about what they want from their lives – the big decisions and the everyday choices. If they need support to do this, they should be able to get it. Transport All people with learning disabilities will be able to use public transport safely and easily and feel confident to do so. Leisure and social activities All people with learning disabilities will be able to use local mainstream services such as leisure centres, sport facilities, libraries, cinemas, restaurants and shopping centres. Being safe in the community and at home All people with learning disabilities will be able to lead their lives in safe environments and will feel confident that their right to live safely is upheld by the criminal justice system. Access to justice and redress All people with learning disabilities will feel able to make a complaint or seek legal redress; they will be treated with the same dignity and respect as any other citizen. Making it happen To make sure Valuing People Now happens Leadership and delivery structures Leadership, delivery and partnership structures must be in place to make sure Valuing People Now happens. Partnership Boards All local authorities need strong and effective Partnership Boards with clear commitment from key local decision makers and the authentic involvement of people with learning disabilities and family carers. Better Commissioning Commissioning needs to support the right outcomes for people with learning disabilities and their families. Developing the Workforce The workforce across public services need to have the appropriate support and training to make sure Valuing People Now happens for all people with learning disabilities and their families. Measuring performance Both NHS and Local authorities will be required to measure how well they do in making sure Valuing People Now happens. 2) As a manager it is my responsibility to ensure all staff receive the appropriate training, this includes Person Centred Planning. This will give each individual a background behind PCP and why is it important within our setting. Each Service user has a designated Keyworker and it is their responsibility to upkeep the paperwork, appointments, Medical appointments, Planning and PCP. All Keyworker’s have a monthly meeting and they discuss goals, aspirations, future projects, obstacles and any other relevant topics. This is documented and when necessary transferred to the individuals PCP. The service user will keep hold of their PCP and with their permission a copy is kept in their file so staff can keep up to date with any changes. A PCP is a working document and forever changing in accordance to individual needs. Everyone in an individual’s life can be included should they communicate this. People who may be important will be Family members, advocates, friends, other professionals and any other person they deem important. It is important with consent that all relevant individuals are involved so we gain a great insight and over view of an individual so we can support them with the best possible outcome. I ensure all staff are up to date with new documentation via, communication book, team meetings, supervisions and adhoc discussions. I support my staff team to work in a person centred way by ensuring training, regular communication, being a role model, providing easy read versions of the valuing people now, being flexible and open to new ideas. I will support all keyworker’s with the implementation of PCP’s by offering one to one support before to talk through the different stages; I will offer to support the keyworker meetings until the staff member and service user feel confident to move forward on their own, Explain to staff the different approaches and the flexibility a PCP has to offer an individual. The most important factor any staff need to know is the person is at the centre, it does not matter how they document it or the format as long as the individual’s needs, wishes and aspirations are clearly detailed so they are supported to reach their full potential. I will  demonstrate different ways of documenting e.g. PowerPoint presentation, DVD with the individual talking, Music CD, Scrap book, Photo’s, pictures from magazines etc†¦ It is also important to remember people change and this needs to be monitored as individuals will want to change goals or aspirations and may need support to do this. As a Manager I encourage staff to review PCP’s at each keyworker meeting to ensure they are current and denote the individual’s needs and wishes. The role of a Keyworker is vital and the individual must feel comfortable and at ease with this person. As a manager I encourage each service user to choose where possible their keyworker as this will be an im portant working relationship. 3) It is vital that the individual actively participates in their PCP as this document will enhance their everyday living and future goals. This document will empower the individual and bring them quality of life knowing that all the people in their life are working consistently and towards common goals. If an individual feels included in devising their PCP they will have a sense of worth and also understanding of their own needs. Also by including all the people who are important to the individual they will feel positive and self assured by others commenting on the things they do well and how they will support them to achieve their dreams, it will make then feel loved listened too. By encouraging the key working system to evaluate the PCP and their support needs in general it allows an individual to be open and honest and for us to actively listen to enhance our service and meet an individual’s needs. We are aware of risk taking and support positive risk taking as it is important for individual’s to experience different activities. We complete risk assessments for each individual to ensure they are safe but we also recognise that there are times when these will be void as individual’s will want to take risks. We have to be aware of the risks and discuss these with them or as a multi disciplinary team as a best interest, as it is important that the risk is the right risk for an individual.

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